Monday 22 February 2021

07:00-07:20 Monday Welcome and Opening Remarks
07:20-08:20 Monday Keynote
08:20-08:40 Break
08:40-10:20 Session 1A: Network Security
S80 - Peerlock: Flexsealing BGP
F302 - A Devil of a Time: How Vulnerable is NTP to Malicious Timeservers?
F330 - OblivSketch: Oblivious Network Measurement as a Cloud Service
F438 - ROV++: Improved Deployable Defense against BGP Hijacking
F552 - Trust the Crowd: Wireless Witnessing to Detect Attacks on ADS-B-Based Air-Traffic Surveillance
Session 1B: Program Analysis 1
S55 - Towards Measuring Supply Chain Attacks on Package Managers for Interpreted Languages
S109 - Processing Dangerous Paths – On Security and Privacy of the Portable Document Format
S112 - XDA: Accurate, Robust Disassembly with Transfer Learning
F117 - Shadow Attacks: Hiding and Replacing Content in Signed PDFs
F461 - KUBO: Precise and Scalable Detection of User-triggerable Undefined Behavior Bugs in OS Kernel
Session 1C: Privacy
20F199 - Designing a Better Browser for Tor with BLAST
S104 - Awakening the Web's Sleeper Agents: Misusing Service Workers for Privacy Leakage
S159 - All the Numbers are US: Large-scale Abuse of Contact Discovery in Mobile Messengers
F180 - Improving Signal's Sealed Sender
F202 - Tales of Favicons and Caches: Persistent Tracking in Modern Browsers
10:20-10:40 Break
10:40-12:00 Session 2A: Network Policies
S91 - Reining in the Web's Inconsistencies with Site Policy
S134 - From WHOIS to WHOWAS: A Large-Scale Measurement Study of Domain Registration Privacy under the GDPR
F343 - Understanding the Growth and Security Considerations of ECS
F378 - Mondrian: Comprehensive Inter-domain Network Zoning Architecture
Session 2B: Program Analysis 2
S106 - Bringing Balance to the Force: Dynamic Analysis of the Android Application Framework
F118 - SymQEMU: Compilation-based symbolic execution for binaries
F327 - TASE: Reducing Latency of Symbolic Execution with Transactional Memory
F386 - Refining Indirect Call Targets at the Binary Level
Session 2C: Crypto
S41 - Obfuscated Access and Search Patterns in Searchable Encryption
S62 - More than a Fair Share: Network Data Remanence Attacks against Secret Sharing-based Schemes
S116 - Forward and Backward Private Conjunctive Searchable Symmetric Encryption
F162 - Practical Non-Interactive Searchable Encryption with Forward and Backward Privacy

Tuesday 23 February 2021

07:00-07:10 Tuesday Welcome
07:10-08:10 Tuesday Keynote
08:10-08:30 Break
08:30-10:10 Session 3A: Web Security
S63 - Zoom on the Keystrokes: Exploiting Video Calls for Keystroke Inference Attacks
S139 - Deceptive Deletions for Protecting Withdrawn Posts on Social Media Platforms
F28 - Who's Hosting the Block Party? Studying Third-Party Blockage of CSP and SRI
F322 - To Err.Is Human: Characterizing the Threat of Unintended URLs in Social Media
F550 - SerialDetector: Principled and Practical Exploration of Object Injection Vulnerabilities for the Web
Session 3B: Mobile Security
S161 - The Abuser Inside Apps: Finding the Culprit Committing Mobile Ad Fraud
F8 - Your Phone is My Proxy: Detecting and Understanding Mobile Proxy Networks
F76 - Understanding Worldwide Private Information Collection on Android
F212 - On the Insecurity of SMS One-Time Password Messages against Local Attackers in Modern Mobile Devices
F479 - Preventing and Detecting State Inference Attacks on Android
Session 3C: Blockchains
S108 - As Strong As Its Weakest Link: How to Break Blockchain DApps at RPC Service
F116 - RandRunner: Distributed Randomness from Trapdoor VDFs with Strong Uniqueness
F164 - LaKSA: A Probabilistic Proof-of-Stake Protocol
F188 - SquirRL: Automating Attack Analysis on Blockchain Incentive Mechanisms with Deep Reinforcement Learning
F294 - Bitcontracts: Supporting Smart Contracts in Legacy Blockchains
10:10-10:30 Break
10:30-12:10 Session 4A: Network Protocols
F74 - QPEP: An Actionable Approach to Secure and Performant Broadband From Geostationary Orbit
F363 - A Formal Analysis of the FIDO UAF Protocol
F390 - PHOENIX: Device-Centric Cellular Network Protocol Monitoring using Runtime Verification
F401 - The Bluetooth CYBORG: Analysis of the Full Human-Machine Passkey Entry AKE Protocol
F531 - NetPlier: Probabilistic Network Protocol Reverse Engineering from Message Traces
Session 4B: Side-channels and Speculation
20F86 - PhantomCache: Obfuscating Cache Conflicts with Localized Randomization
S21 - Screen Gleaning: A Screen Reading TEMPEST Attack on Mobile Devices Exploiting an Electromagnetic Side Channel
S137 - Rosita: Towards Automatic Elimination of Power-Analysis Leakage in Ciphers
F286 - Hunting the Haunter — Efficient Relational Symbolic Execution for Spectre with Haunted RelSE
F466 - SpecTaint: Speculative Taint Analysis for Discovering Spectre Gadgets
Session 4C: Malware and Cyber-crime
20F329 - UISCOPE: Accurate, Instrumentation-free, Deterministic and Visible Attack Investigation
F51 - Understanding and Detecting International Revenue Share Fraud
F126 - Differential Training: A Generic Framework to Reduce Label Noises for Android Malware Detection
F444 - MINOS: A Lightweight Real-Time Cryptojacking Detection System
F475 - Does Every Second Count? Time-based Evolution of Malware Behavior in Sandboxes

Wednesday 24 February 2021

07:00-07:20 Wednesday Welcome, Awards
07:20-07:30 Break
07:30-08:50 Session 5A: "Smart" Home
S111 - Hey Alexa, is this Skill Safe?: Taking a Closer Look at the Alexa Skill Ecosystem
F368 - IoTSafe: Enforcing Safety and Security Policy with Real IoT Physical Interaction Discovery
F464 - PFirewall: Semantics-Aware Customizable Data Flow Control for Smart Home Privacy Protection
F551 - EarArray: Defending against DolphinAttack via Acoustic Attenuation
Session 5B: Software Defenses
20F449 - SODA: A Generic Online Detection Framework for Smart Contracts
S126 - POP and PUSH: Demystifying and Defending against (Mach) Port-oriented Programming
F78 - Доверя́й, но проверя́й: SFI safety for native-compiled Wasm
F416 - Detecting Kernel Memory Leaks in Specialized Modules with Ownership Reasoning
Session 5C: Machine Learning
S166 - Let’s Stride Blindfolded in a Forest: Sublinear Multi-Client Decision Trees Evaluation
F293 - Practical Blind Membership Inference Attack via Differential Comparisons
F351 - GALA: Greedy ComputAtion for Linear Algebra in Privacy-Preserved Neural Networks
F403 - FARE: Enabling Fine-grained Attack Categorization under Low-quality Labeled Data
08:50-09:10 Break
09:10-10:30 Session 6A: Fuzzing
F96 - PGFUZZ: Policy-Guided Fuzzing for Robotic Vehicles
F224 - Favocado: Fuzzing Binding Code of JavaScript Engines Using Semantically Correct Test Cases
F334 - WINNIE : Fuzzing Windows Applications with Harness Synthesis and Fast Cloning
F486 - Reinforcement Learning-based Hierarchical Seed Scheduling for Greybox Fuzzing
Session 6B: Embedded Security
S13 - Evading Voltage-Based Intrusion Detection on Automotive CAN
F159 - HERA: Hotpatching of Embedded Real-time Applications
F308 - From Library Portability to Para-rehosting: Natively Executing Microcontroller Software on Commodity Hardware
F365 - BaseSpec: Comparative Analysis of Baseband Software and Cellular Specifications for L3 Protocols
Session 6C: Federated Learning and Poisoning attacks
F119 - POSEIDON: Privacy-Preserving Federated Neural Network Learning
F434 - FLTrust: Byzantine-robust Federated Learning via Trust Bootstrapping
F498 - Manipulating the Byzantine: Optimizing Model Poisoning Attacks and Defenses for Federated Learning
F525 - Data Poisoning Attacks to Deep Learning Based Recommender Systems
10:30-10:50 Break
10:50-12:10 Session 7A: Forensics and Audits
S128 - C$^2$SR: Cybercrime Scene Reconstruction for Post-mortem Forensic Analysis
F445 - ALchemist: Fusing Application and Audit Logs for Precise Attack Provenance without Instrumentation
F549 - WATSON: Abstracting Behaviors from Audit Logs via Aggregation of Contextual Semantics
Session 7B: Trusted Computing
S56 - DOVE: A Data-Oblivious Virtual Environment
F57 - CHANCEL: Efficient Multi-client Isolation Under Adversarial Programs
F328 - Emilia: Catching Iago in Legacy Code
Session 7C: Machine Learning Applications
F55 - CV-Inspector: Towards Automating Detection of Adblock Circumvention
F67 - FlowLens: Enabling Efficient Flow Classification for ML-based Network Security Applications
F100 - PrivacyFlash Pro: Automating Privacy Policy Generation for Mobile Apps
F260 - Towards Understanding and Detecting Cyberbullying in Real-world Images
12:30-12:50 Closing Remarks