The 2nd European Workshop on Usable Security

April 29, 2017

Paris, France

Visit the EuroUSEC 2017 Workshop page

EuroUSEC 2017 Proceedings Front Matter

Registration, Coffee & Refreshments
08:00 – 09:00
09:00 – 09:10
Session #1: IT professionals
09:10 – 10:30
I’d Like to Have an Argument, Please: Using Dialectic for Effective App Security
C. Weir, A. Rashid (Lancaster University, UK); J. Noble (Victoria University of Wellington, NZ)
Finding Security Champions in Blends of Security Culture
I. Becker, S. Parkin, M. Sasse (University College London)
I Do and I Understand. Not Yet True for Security APIs. So Sad
Luigi Lo Iacono, Peter Leo Gorski (Cologne University of Applied Sciences)
Coffee Break
10:30 – 11:00
Session #2: Work in Progress
11:00 – 12:00
Security Narrative: Can (Language) Insecurities be Beneficial for Security Departments?
Karoline Busse (University of Bonn); Jennifer Seifert (University of Hannover); Matthew Smith (University of Bonn)
An Inquiry into Perception and Usage of Smartphone Permissions Models
Sophie Russ, Lena Reinfelder (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg); Andrea Schankin (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology); Zinaida Benenson (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg)
Riddle me this! Context Sensitive CAPTCHAs
Tobias Urban, René Riedel, Norbert Pohlmann (Institute for Internet-Security, Westphalian University of Applied Sciences, Gelsenkirchen); Ulrike Schmuntzsch Matthias Rötting (Human-Machine-Systems, Berlin Institute of Technology, Berlin)
Providing smartphone data visualizations to support Privacy Literacy
Timo Jakobi (Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Science, Sankt Augustin); Edna Kropp (Akquinet AG, Berlin); Gunnar Stevens (Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Science, Sankt Augustin); Mats Schmal (University of Siegen, Siegen)
Lunch Break
12:00 – 14:00
14:00 – 14:50
Would you like some Anti-Virus Protection with that? Adventures in Point-of-Sale Security
Angela Sasse
Professor of Human-Centred Security and Director of the UK Research Institute in Science of Cyber Security
Session #3: What is secure?
14:50 – 15:30
What is a Secure Email?
Joscha Lausch, Oliver Wiese, Volker Roth (Freie Universität Berlin)
Effects of information security risk visualization on managerial decision making
Esra Yildiz (Universität Münster); Rainer Böhme (Universität Innsbruck)
15:30 – 16:00
Session #4A: Protecting end users
16:00 – 17:00
The Security Blanket of the Chat World: An Analytic Evaluation and a User Study of Telegram 
Ruba Abu-Salma (University College London (UCL), UK); Kat Krol (University of Cambridge, UK); Simon Parkin, Victoria Koh, Kevin Kwan, Jazib Mahboob, Zahra Traboulsi, M. Angela Sasse (University College London (UCL), UK)
Personalized Security Messaging: Nudges for Compliance with Browser Warnings
Nathan Malkin (University of California, Berkeley); Arunesh Mathur (Princeton University); Marian Harbach (International Computer Science Institute); Serge Egelman (University of California, Berkeley; International Computer Science Institute); Eyal Peer (Bar-Ilan University)
Information Leakage through Mobile Motion Sensors: User Awareness and Concerns
Kirsten Crager, Anindya Maiti, Murtuza Jadliwala, Jibo He (Wichita State University)
Session #4B: People and Passwords
17:00 – 18:00
Pass-Roll and Pass-Scroll : New Graphical User Interfaces for Improving Text Passwords
Harshal Tupsamudre (TCS Research, India); Akhil Dixit (UC Santa Cruz); Vijayanand Banahatti, Sachin Lodha (TCS Research, India)
Pico in the Wild: Replacing Passwords, One Site at a Time
Seb Aebischer, Claudio Dettoni, Graeme Jenkinson, Kat Krol, David Llewellyn-Jones (University of Cambridge, UK); Toshiyuki Masui (Keio University, Japan); Frank Stajano (University of Cambridge, UK)
Password Logbooks and What Their Amazon Reviews Reveal About Their Users’ Motivations, Beliefs, and Behaviors
Vijay Kothari (Dartmouth College); Ross Koppel (University of Pennsylvania); Jim Blythe (ISI, University of Southern California); Sean Smith (Dartmouth College)