Ankit Gangwal (IIIT Hyderabad), Aakash Jain (IIIT Hyderabad) and Mauro Conti (University of Padua)

ETAS Best Short Paper Award Winner ($200 cash prize)!

Electric vehicles (EVs) represent the long-term green substitute for traditional fuel-based vehicles. To encourage EV adoption, the trust of the end-users must be assured.

In this work, we focus on a recently emerging privacy threat of profiling and identifying EVs via the analog electrical data exchanged during the EV charging process. The core focus of our work is to investigate the feasibility of such a threat at scale. To this end, we first propose an improved EV profiling approach that outperforms the state-of-the-art EV profiling techniques. Next, we exhaustively evaluate the performance of our improved approach to profile EVs in real-world settings. In our evaluations, we conduct a series of experiments including 25032 charging sessions from 530 real EVs, sub-sampled datasets with different data distributions, etc. Our results show that even with our improved approach, profiling and individually identifying the growing number of EVs appear extremely difficult in practice; at least with the analog charging data utilized throughout the literature. We believe that our findings from this work will further foster the trust of potential users in the EV ecosystem, and consequently, encourage EV adoption

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