Mohammad Raashid Ansari, Jonathan Petit, Jean-Philippe Monteuuis, Cong Chen (Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.)

Vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication is essential to redefining transportation by providing real-time, highly reliable, and actionable information flows to enable safety, mobility and environmental applications. V2X communications and its solutions enable the exchange of information (e.g., Basic Safety Messages) between vehicles, and between vehicle and network infrastructure. To ensure data quality, and hence proper action, V2X data must be authenticated and correct. In this paper, we propose an extensive attack platform, called VASP, which contains 68 BSM attacks. This platform is used to enhance V2X threat assessment, design relevant detectors, guide standardization and prioritization for deployment. The objective is to provide to the security community the tool to help build a more robust V2X system.

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