Yanjun Pan (University of Arizona)

In this talk, we will explore the experimental approach for our paper "PoF: Proof-of-Following for Vehicle Platoons" that appears in NDSS 2022. We will present our initial research hypothesis on the temporal and spatial correlation of ambient RF signals due to large-scale fading and the use of the RF correlation to derive security in the context of vehicle platooning. We will describe the set of experiments that were designed to test our hypothesis in different settings (highway, urban environment, static setting, indoor setting). We will present the testbed iterations (RF testbed plus platooning testbed) to collect the desired measurements and the calibration and analysis of those measurements to validate the initial hypothesis. Further, we will share the challenges and useful experiences gained during the experimentation process and note the lesson learned for future experimental efforts.

Speaker's biography

Yanjun Pan is an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science and Computer Engineering at the University of Arkansas. Her research interests include wireless security, wireless sensing, and network optimization, with emphases on physical layer security, mmWave sensing, and cross-layer network optimization. She holds a Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Arizona and is a recipient of the 2021 N2Women Young Researcher Fellowship.

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