Dr. Eric Eide (University of Utah)

Artifact evaluation is now a widespread feature of conferences in many areas of computer science. Many conference communities now have substantial experience with artifact evaluation, and it is time to step back and reflect. What has been accomplished, what is working, what is not, and what are possible next steps to be taken? In this talk I will discuss the practice of artifact evaluation and look forward to ways in which current practices might evolve to be more effective and/or valuable.

Speaker's biography

Dr. Eric Eide is a Research Associate Professor and a Co-director of the Flux Research Group in the School of Computing at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. His research focuses on the engineering of trustworthy systems software: this includes activities toward improving the correctness, testing, resilience, and security of systems software, as well as activities toward improving the rigor of experimental computer science. He co-chaired the Artifact Evaluation Committees for the PLDI 2014, PLDI 2015, and OSDI 2020 conferences, and he is the current and inaugural chair of the Artifact Evaluation Board for the Journal of Systems Research. As a Principal Investigator of the SEARCCH project, he is working to establish a novel web portal to improve the discoverability and reuse of experiment artifacts related to cybersecurity.

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