Barak Davidovich (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev), Ben Nassi (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev) and Yuval Elovici (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)

In this study, we propose an innovative method for the real-time detection of GPS spoofing attacks targeting drones, based on the video stream captured by a drone’s camera. The proposed method collects frames from the video stream and their location (GPS); by calculating the correlation between each frame, our method can detect a GPS spoofing on a drone. We first analyze the performance of the suggested method in a controlled environment by conducting experiments on a flight simulator that we developed. Then, we analyze its performance in the real world using a DJI drone. Our method can provide different levels of security against GPS spoofing attacks, depending on the detection interval required; for example, it can provide a high level of security to a drone flying at an altitude of 50-100 meters over an urban area at an average speed of 4 km/h in conditions of low ambient light; in this scenario, the proposed method can provide a level of security that detects any GPS spoofing attack in which the spoofed location is a distance of 1-4 meters (an average of 2.5 meters) from the real location.

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Building Embedded Systems Like It’s 1996

Ruotong Yu (Stevens Institute of Technology, University of Utah), Francesca Del Nin (University of Padua), Yuchen Zhang (Stevens Institute of Technology), Shan Huang (Stevens Institute of Technology), Pallavi Kaliyar (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), Sarah Zakto (Cyber Independent Testing Lab), Mauro Conti (University of Padua, Delft University of Technology), Georgios Portokalidis (Stevens Institute of…

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GPSKey: GPS based Secret Key Establishment for Intra-Vehicle Environment

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NC-Max: Breaking the Security-Performance Tradeoff in Nakamoto Consensus

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Usability of Cryptocurrency Wallets Providing CoinJoin Transactions

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