Aiping Xiong (Pennsylvania State University), Zekun Cai (Pennsylvania State University) and Tianhao Wang (University of Virginia)

Individuals’ interactions with connected autonomous vehicles (CAVs) involve sharing various data in a ubiquitous manner, raising novel challenges for privacy. The human factors of privacy must first be understood to promote consumers’ acceptance of CAVs. To inform the privacy research in the context of CAVs, we discuss how the emerging technologies development of CAV poses new privacy challenges for drivers and passengers. We argue that the privacy design of CAVs should adopt a user-centered approach, which integrates human factors into the development and deployment of privacy-enhancing technologies, such as differential privacy.

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First, Fuzz the Mutants

Alex Groce (Northern Arizona Univerisity), Goutamkumar Kalburgi (Northern Arizona Univerisity), Claire Le Goues (Carnegie Mellon University), Kush Jain (Carnegie Mellon University), Rahul Gopinath (Saarland University)

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FANDEMIC: Firmware Attack Construction and Deployment on Power Management...

Ryan Tsang (University of California, Davis), Doreen Joseph (University of California, Davis), Qiushi Wu (University of California, Davis), Soheil Salehi (University of California, Davis), Nadir Carreon (University of Arizona), Prasant Mohapatra (University of California, Davis), Houman Homayoun (University of California, Davis)

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All things Binary

Dr. Sergey Bratus, DARPA PI and Research Associate Professor at Dartmouth College

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