Jessie Hamill-Stewart (University of Bristol and University of Bath), Awais Rashid (University of Bristol)

Satellite services are vital for many types of critical infrastructure, including electricity, finance and transportation. Sophisticated attackers therefore may target satellites, in order to create widespread disruption. The ground infrastructure of satellite systems offers attackers direct access to satellite systems, as this is where satellites are operated and monitored. We investigate the tactics and technology utilised by attackers of satellite ground systems, through analysis of previous attacks conducted against satellite ground infrastructure. Through this investigation, we contribute to growing literature surrounding cyber attacks against satellite systems, by providing empirical analysis of techniques and tactics used to attack ground infrastructure. Analysis of attack cases is presented, and then we discuss key findings and implications for future research.

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Group-based Robustness: A General Framework for Customized Robustness in...

Weiran Lin (Carnegie Mellon University), Keane Lucas (Carnegie Mellon University), Neo Eyal (Tel Aviv University), Lujo Bauer (Carnegie Mellon University), Michael K. Reiter (Duke University), Mahmood Sharif (Tel Aviv University)

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EnclaveFuzz: Finding Vulnerabilities in SGX Applications

Liheng Chen (Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences; School of Cyber Security, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Institute for Network Science and Cyberspace of Tsinghua University), Zheming Li (Institute for Network Science and Cyberspace of Tsinghua University), Zheyu Ma (Institute for Network Science and Cyberspace of Tsinghua University), Yuan Li (Tsinghua University),…

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Experimental Analyses of the Physical Surveillance Risks in Client-Side...

Ashish Hooda (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Andrey Labunets (UC San Diego), Tadayoshi Kohno (University of Washington), Earlence Fernandes (UC San Diego)

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IDA: Hybrid Attestation with Support for Interrupts and TOCTOU

Fatemeh Arkannezhad (UCLA), Justin Feng (UCLA), Nader Sehatbakhsh (UCLA)

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