Le Su (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore); Dinil Mon Divakaran (Trustwave, Singapore); Sze Ling Yeo (Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore); Jiqiang Lu (Beihang University, China); Vrizlynn Thing (National University of Singapore, Singapore)

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Auction-based Shared Economy Resolution Markets for Blockchain Platforms

Alberto Sonnino, Michał Król, Argyrios Tasiopoulos and Ioannis Psaras

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UIDS: Unikernel-based Intrusion Detection System for the Internet of...

Vittorio Cozzolino, Nikolai Schwellnus (Technical University of Munich, Germany); Aaron Yi Ding (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands); Jörg Ott (Technical University of Munich, Germany)

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Information Leaks in Sequential Federated Learning

Anastassiya Pustozerova and Rudolf Mayer (SBA Research, Austria)

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Identity and Privacy vs. economic efficiency in the worldwide...

Prof. Virgil Gligor (CMU), Prof. Pekka Nikander (Aalto U.), Dr. Dmitrij Lagutin (Aalto U.), Dr. Michal Krol (UCL)

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