Calls for Submissions
for NDSS Symposium 2025

Call for Submissions for Co-located Events


Workshop on Binary Analysis Research (BAR)

Read More BAR


Workshop on Security and Privacy of Next-Generation Networks (FutureG)

Read More FutureG


Workshop on Innovation in Metadata Privacy: Analysis and Construction Techniques (IMPACT)

Read More IMPACT


Workshop on Measurements, Attacks, and Defenses for the Web (MADWeb)

Read More MADWeb


Workshop on the Safety and Explainability of Large Models Optimization and Deployment (MLSafety)

Read More VehicleSec


Workshop on Security and Privacy in Standardized IoT (SDIoTSec)

Read More SDIoTSec


Workshop on the Security of Space and Satellite Systems (SpaceSec)

Read More SpaceSec


Symposium on Usable Security and Privacy (USEC)

Read More USEC


Workshop on SOC Operations and Construction (WOSOC)

Read More WOSOC

NDSS Symposium Submissions

Call for Posters

Find out more about the call for posters 2025.

Read More Call for Posters

Call for Papers

Find out more about the call for papers 2025.

Read More Call for Papers

Call for Artifacts

Find out more about the Artifact Evaluation (AE) process that allows authors to submit an artifact alongside accepted papers.

Read More Call for Artifacts

Call for Co-located Workshops

Find out more about the call for 2025 co-located workshops.

Read More Call for Co-located Workshops

men sitting and talking in a conference room

Templates for Papers 

The NDSS Symposium and co-located events each have their own templates with different identifying information, including ISBN and DOI information.