Maximilian Golla, Jan Rimkus (Ruhr University Bochum); Adam J. Aviv (United States Naval Academy); Markus Dürmuth (Ruhr University Bochum)

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Power to the Data Defenders: Human-Centered Disclosure Risk Calibration...

Kaustav Bhattacharjee, Aritra Dasgupta (New Jersey Institute of Technology)

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VPN Awareness and Misconceptions: A Comparative Study in Canadian...

Lachlan Moore, Tatsuya Mori (Waseda University, NICT)

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A Phish Scale: Rating Human Phishing Message Detection Difficulty

Michelle P. Steves, Kristen K. Greene, Mary F. Theofanos (National Institute of Standards and Technology)

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Why Do Programmers Do What They Do? A Theory...

Lavanya Sajwan, James Noble, Craig Anslow (Victoria University of Wellington), Robert Biddle (Carleton University)

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