Mohammed Lamine Bouchouia (Telecom Paris - Institut Polytechnique de Paris), Jean-Philippe Monteuuis (Qualcomm Technologies Inc), Houda Labiod (Telecom Paris - Institut Polytechnique de Paris), Ons Jelassi (Telecom Paris - Institut Polytechnique de Paris), Wafa Ben Jaballah (Thales) and Jonathan Petit (Qualcomm Technologies Inc)

Ensuring the safety of connected and automated vehicles (CAV) is critical for their public adoption. However, security attacks targeting CAVS are a significant deterrent to achieving public trust in AVs. Implementing and testing those attacks and corresponding countermeasures in real road conditions are costly and time-consuming tasks. Thus, an automotive simulator prevents those drawbacks. Therefore, we provide our security simulator for CAVs, which include both V2X and sensors’ data synchronized in simulation time.

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(Short) WIP: Deployability Improvement, Stealthiness User Study, and Safety...

Takami Sato, Junjie Shen, Ningfei Wang (UC Irvine), Yunhan Jia (ByteDance), Xue Lin (Northeastern University), and Qi Alfred Chen (UC Irvine)

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Demystifying Local Business Search Poisoning for Illicit Drug Promotion

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An In-Depth Analysis on Adoption of Attack Mitigations in...

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