NDSS Symposium 2009 Accepted Papers

Document Structure Integrity: A Robust Basis for Cross-site Scripting Defense

Y. Nadji, Prateek Saxena and Dawn Song

An Efficient Black-box Technique for Defeating Web Application Attacks

R. Sekar

Noncespaces: Using Randomization to Enforce Information Flow Tracking and Thwart Cross-site Scripting Attacks

M. Van Gundy and Hao Chen

The Blind Stone Tablet: Outsourcing Durability to Untrusted Parties

P. Williams , R. Sion and D. Shasha

Two-Party Computation Model for Privacy-Preserving Queries over Distributed Databases

S. S. M. Chow, J. Lee and L. Subramanian

Sybillnfer: Detecting Sybil Nodes using Social Networks

G. Danezis and P. Mittal

Spectrogram: A Mixture-of-Markov-Chains Model for Anomaly Detection in Web Traffic

Y. Song , A. Keromytis and S. Stolfo

Detecting Forged TCP Reset Packets

Nicholas Weaver, R. Sommer and Vern Paxson

Coordinated Scan Detection

C. Gates

RB-Seeker: Auto-detection of Redirection Botnets

X. Hu , M. Knysz and K. G. Shin

Scalable, Behavior-Based Malware Clustering

U. Bayer, P. Milani Comparetti, C. Hlauschek, Christopher Kruegel and Engin Kirda

K-Tracer: A System for Extracting Kernel Malware Behavior

A. Lanzi , M. Sharif and Wenke Lee

RAINBOW: A Robust and Invisible Non-Blind Watermark for Network Flows

Amir Houmansadr , N. Kiyavash and Nikita Borisov

Traffic Morphing: An Efficient Defense Against Statistical Traffic Analysis

C. Wright , Scott Coull and Fabian Monrose

Recursive DNS Architectures and Vulnerability Implications

D. Dagon , M. Antonakakis, K. Day, Xiapu Luo and Wenke Lee

Analyzing and Comparing the Protection Quality of Security Enhanced Operating Systems

Hong Chen, Ninghui Li and Ziqing Mao

IntScope: Automatically Detecting Integer Overflow Vulnerability in X86 Binary Using Symbolic Execution

Tielei Wang, T. Wei, Zhiqiang Lin and Wei Zou

Safe Passage for Passwords and Other Sensitive Data

Jonathan M. McCune, A. Perrig and Michael K. Reiter

Conditioned-safe Ceremonies and a User Study of an Application to Web Authentication

C. Karlof, J. D. Tygar and David Wagner

CSAR: A Practical and Provable Technique to Make Randomized Systems Accountable

Michael Backes, P. Druschel, A. Haeberlen and D. Unruh