Samuel Jero (MIT Lincoln Laboratory), Juliana Furgala (MIT Lincoln Laboratory), Max A Heller (MIT Lincoln Laboratory), Benjamin Nahill (MIT Lincoln Laboratory), Samuel Mergendahl (MIT Lincoln Laboratory), Richard Skowyra (MIT Lincoln Laboratory)

Satellites and the services enabled by them, like GPS, real-time world-wide imaging, weather tracking, and worldwide communication, play an increasingly important role in modern life. To support these services satellite software is becoming increasingly complex and connected. As a result, concerns about its security are becoming prevalent.

While the focus of security for satellites has historically been on encrypting the communications link, we argue that a fuller consideration of the security of satellites is necessary and presents unique challenges. Satellites are becoming increasingly accessible to attackers–thanks to supply chain attacks and Internet connected ground stations–and present a unique set of challenges for security practitioners. These challenges include the lack of any real ability for a human to be physically present to repair or recover these systems, a focus on safety and availability over confidentiality and integrity, and the need to deal with radiation-induced faults. This work characterizes the cyber threats to satellite systems, surveys the unique challenges for satellite software, and presents a future vision for research in this area.

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OCPPStorm: A Comprehensive Fuzzing Tool for OCPP Implementations (Long)

Gaetano Coppoletta (University of Illinois Chicago), Rigel Gjomemo (Discovery Partners Institute, University of Illinois), Amanjot Kaur, Nima Valizadeh (Cardiff University), Venkat Venkatakrishnan (Discovery Partners Institute, University of Illinois), Omer Rana (Cardiff University)

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Gradient Shaping: Enhancing Backdoor Attack Against Reverse Engineering

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WIP: Modeling and Detecting Falsified Vehicle Trajectories Under Data...

Jun Ying, Yiheng Feng (Purdue University), Qi Alfred Chen (University of California, Irvine), Z. Morley Mao (University of Michigan and Google)

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TALISMAN: Tamper Analysis for Reference Monitors

Frank Capobianco (The Pennsylvania State University), Quan Zhou (The Pennsylvania State University), Aditya Basu (The Pennsylvania State University), Trent Jaeger (The Pennsylvania State University, University of California, Riverside), Danfeng Zhang (The Pennsylvania State University, Duke University)

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