NDSS 2016 Accepted Posters
Attacking Data Independent Memory Hard Functions
Jeremiah Blocki and Joel Alwen
Free for All! Assessing User Data Exposure to Advertising Libraries on Android
Soteris Demetriou, Whitney Merrill, Wei Yang, Aston Zhang and Carl A. Gunter
Private Video Foreground Extraction through Chaotic Mapping based Encryption in the Cloud
Xin Jin, Kui Guo, Chenggen Song, Xiaodong Li, Geng Zhao, Jing Luo, Yuzhen Li, Yingya Chen, Yan Liu and Huaichao Wang
Privacy Preserving Face Identification in the Cloud through Sparse Representation
Xin Jin, Jui Guo, Chenggen Song, Xiaodong Li, Geng Zhao, Jing Luo, Yuzhen Li, Yingya Chen, Yan Liu and Huaichao Wang
Behavioral Graph-based Detection of Malicious Download Events in Real Time
Babak Rahbarinia, Marco Balduzzi and Roberto Perdisci
Android-Application Rewriting Guided by Quantitative Information Flow
Ke Tian, Danfeng (Daphne) Yao and Gang Tan
Physical-Layer Key Generation for Automotive Cyber-Physical System Security
Jiang Wan, Anthony Lopez and Mohammad Al Faruque
Exploiting Acoustic Side-Channel for Attack on Additive Manufacturing Systems
Sujit Rokka Chhetri, Arquimedes Canedo and Mohammad Abdullah Al Faruque
RAPTOR: Routing Attacks on Privacy in Tor
Yixin Sun, Anne Edmundson, Laurent Vanbever, Oscar Li, Jennifer Rexford, Mung Chiang and Prateek Mittal
TwinHype: A Novel Approach to Reduce Cloud Downtime
Lei Lu, Xing Gao and Jidong Xiao
Global Congestion Attacks on Wi-Fi Networks via Interference Coupling
Liangxiao Xin, David Starobinski and Guevara Noubir
E-Embargoes: Discouraging Traffic Manipulation With Incentives
Max Schuchard and Nicholas Hopper
Sneak-Peek: High-Speed Covert Channels in Data Center Networks
Rashid Tahir, Mohammad Taha Khan, Xun Gong, Adnan Ahmed, Amerimad Ghassami, Hasanat Kazmi, Matthew Caesar, Fareed Zaffar and Negar Kiyavash
In-App AdPay: A Framework for the Mobile Monetization Ecosystem
Gong Chenand and John A. Copeland
iSONG – Instrusion into Social Network Groups
Shagufta Mehnaz and Elisa Bertino